
Friday, January 7, 2022

Pubg Lean Aim Punch

Unsubscribe from wackyjacky101? sign in to add this video to a playlist sign in to report inappropriate content sign in to make your opinion count sign in to make your opinion count the. Pubg lean aim punch. It's a tactic to move your head/torso into a different position than the rest of your body in hopes that people will keep their aim centered there's downsides to it, aim punch still happens when ads leaning and getting hit, it'll throw off your aim (bugged) the best thing to do is crouch while shooting, though.

pubg lean aim punch

Please devs make up your small brains once and for all, this update with aim punch is just useless, no more fights for me, camp all day long, you are killing your game, but hey we adapt right, camp inside houses all day long ggs. Aim punch is one of the most subtle and yet incredibly important mechanics that results in pubg having the game play style that it does, and if it were removed it would (imo) ruin the game. you can have a shooter with out aim punch, for sure, but it would be a very different type of game (and one i personally wouldn't want to play).. The irony of you claiming op can't use the internet is that now this reddit thread is the #1 result when you search "aim punch pubg" on google. continue this thread view entire discussion (7 comments).

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