Product InformationWelcome to another sequel in the popular Jewel Quest puzzle game series. InJewel Quest Mysteries Rupert and Emma are plunged into the land of ancientintrigue Egypt. Seek out treasures and jewels hidden within stunning gardensand relic-laden palaces. Swap jewels to turn tiles gold in classic Jewel Questboards and decipher puzzles of logic and wit. Immerse yourself in this hiddenobject game shrouded in the lore of Jewel Quest and the mystique of ancientEgypt. It's challenging fun and addictive.Product Features 18 stunning hidden object scenes. Suspense filled Plot and Captivating Story. Upgrades to enhance your game performance. Music and Sounds as real as the Story's Ancient Mystery. System Requirements Win 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista 500 MHz or faster CPU 64 MB Ram 32 MB video card RAM DirectX 8.
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Jewel Quest Mysteries: Curse of the Emerald Tear now